[AD] Windows binary builder

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Here's my first attempt at making a binary-format Windows distribution.
Unzip winbin.zip over the top of Allegro, and then to build the
binary distro, run something like "bash misc/zipwin.sh all3928_bin",
which should leave you with an all3928_bin.zip file one directory up
from your Allegro dir. This can be installed over the top of a stock
Allegro source distribution, and contains a msvcmake.bat file that can
build the support programs.

You need many GNU tools to run zipwin.sh (bash, sed, file utils, text
utils, shell utils, and zip), but the resulting batch installer should
work on any machine possessing VC, with no external dependencies at all.

It will automatically locate and run vcvars32.bat by using the registry:
does this work with VC 4 and 5? (I can only test 6). If not, it would
be cool if someone could tell me what registry keys they use, so I can
add them to misc/vcvars.c.

It should handle machines with stupidly small environment sizes, but 
the more people who can test this, the better.

It should also work across all Windows versions, but there are some
nasty differences between '9x and NT in this regard. I've tested on
win95 and NT4, and it seems ok on both, but again, more testing would
be most useful, in particular if you can lobotomise your machine first
(eg. remove all djgpp stuff from the path).

You don't need the makefile.lst patch to test the Windows binaries, but
it is related to them (adds removal of some binary distro files to
the make clean targets).

If this works, do you think we should do the same thing for RSXNT as
well, or is it better to leave that with a regular makefile?

I hope this message gets through: it's the first time I've tried posting
here from my work email :-)


Attachment: winbin.zip
Description: Binary data

Attachment: makefile.lst.diff
Description: Binary data

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