FW: [AD] Datafile table of contents caching

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Here is a message from Martijn Versteegh (hope I spelled it
right), which he asked me to forward to conductors. Sorry for
the long delay, I was in vacation for two days :)


Windows NT - Never Tested

-----Original Message-----
From: VERSTEEGH@xxxxxx [mailto:VERSTEEGH@xxxxxx] 
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 1999 1:21 PM
To: Vincent PENQUERC'H
Subject: RE: [AD] Datafile table of contents caching

> Do you plan to add a 'prescan' facility ?
That might be a good idea, I could easily add it if it's needed.

I plan to have the following api functions to control the cache

(please suggest good names for them, I haven't yet thought about that

set_nr_of_files_to_cache(int nr) ; (0 turns caching off)
keep_in_cache(char *datafile); makes it so that this file won't ever
   get pushed out of the cache (in case you have one large file, and
want only ttat one cached)

grr, terminal screws up, I hope you can understand what I mean.

and perhaps 
prescan_cache(char *datafile)

please make any suggestions you people might think useful 

right now for each datafile the entire table of contents is cached,
should I put a limit on that? I decided not to because I think that
make the caching less useful, but if anybody thinks different about that
like to know.


Oh darn, forgot to change the adress to conductors@...
Vinecent could you forward it for me? (this mail program
won't allow me to save the message before sending, or to change the
won't allow me to save the message before sending, or to change the

(and I can't correct typo's either (no backspace etc ;-(

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