Re: [AD] Scancodes for pause key

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the pause key has scancode 93. no scancode is beeing sent when it is
released AFAIK. for a pause function in your program you would therefore
want to use something like this to pause your program until another key is
if(key[KEY_PAUSE]) while(!keypressed());
or this code if you want to pause as long as the key is held down:

to detect when only pause is beeing pressed then check if the key[] array
contains zeros for all the places except at index 93. (loop from 0 to

BTW you should use the AL mailinglist next time...


----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Bukin <M.A.Bukin@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <conductors@xxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, November 05, 1999 3:37 PM
Subject: [AD] Scancodes for pause key

> I need to know which scancodes are sent when pause key is pressed and
> released.  I would like to emulate at least the situation when pause
> is pressed alone, not in combination with other keys.
> --
> Michael Bukin

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