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I have got to test the latest version, and here are some comments...

X-Window: an Allegro program _always_ consumes cpu. For all the console
programs, when I get to another terminal, they simply stop working, as by
default they do so. However, there's no way for a X-window program to
stop. You can roll it's window, minimize, send it to another desktop, or
even switch away from the X-window desktop to a console. All the same, top
still shows the allegro program eating 100% of the cpu idle time.

Can this be somehow avoided, or are X-window programs automatically built

Then, for the console framebuffer version, using kernel 2.2.12 and matrox

In example ex12bit I can switch away to another console, but when I
return, the palette is not restored, and all shows up with funny colours.

Then, I can always switch to another console, but when I return to the
console being used by an allegro program, it get's hung, the keyboard
doesn't work, and only alt+sys+k helps me get out of the pit. The problem
is that some programs work, others don't.

At the moment, these are the ones that _work_ with console switching:


These are the ones that block the console:


I just discovered this: I am using the GPM repeater, but exmouse doesn't
work, although it reports correctly that the gpm repeater is being used.

In fact, if I turn off the gpm daemon, the gpm repeater still shows up,
and the programs still block.

So that's it: my mouse doesn't work, while it worked 'some day', I don't
remember when. What can I do? X-Window works with the repeater, and the
console copy&paste too. I have tried building the debug lib and programs,
but that isn't very useful, as I don't get any errors or things like that.

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - gradha@xxxxxxxxxx
Gogosoftware - http://welcome.to/gogosoftware/

 Windows NT - Naturally Terrible.

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