Re: [AD] Feedback about 3.9.28 for linux

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On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> I just discovered this: I am using the GPM repeater, but exmouse doesn't
> work, although it reports correctly that the gpm repeater is being used.

Ok, wait, the mouse code works. I just forgot to restart gpm again :-)

However, the exmouse program _still_ locks, when i switch again to it.

Arghh... and just to improve the situation, I found out that grabber
doesn't have this effect although it uses the mouse! Since grabber.c is
longer than exmouse.c, I will try to start chopping off the latter to
corner my problem better.

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - gradha@xxxxxxxxxx
Gogosoftware -

 "Breaking Windows isn't just for kids anymore..."

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