Re: [AD] ESD patch

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> I fixed the ESD driver last night, so it actually works now

Excellent! I really ought to install ESD myself one of these days, so I can 
try it out...

One minor fix is needed, though:

> usprintf(allegro_error, get_config_text("%s: can not open"), (server[0] ? 
> server : "No server"));

You can't use things like server[0] or "No server" in a Unicode environment. 
Instead, the test for the first char needs to be changed to ugetc(server), 
and the constant string to uconvert_ascii("No server", tmpbuf). Otherwise 
this driver will fall flat on its face as soon as someone decides to use it 
in a 16 bit Unicode program, or with some other custom character encoding...

Shawn Hargreaves - shawn@xxxxxxxxxx -
"A binary is barely software: it's more like hardware on a floppy disk."

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