Re: [AD] SVGALib problems

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tmg@xxxxxxxxxx <tmg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi, the following programs segfault using the svgalib driver:

Argh!  Just when I thought I had closure with this driver.

Could you apply the patch above, and test again?  I think I've fixed
most of the problems, but I'm in a hurry.

The patch also steals console switching signals from SVGAlib, so
Allegro gets to do that itself.  Not sure how stable it is, though.
(i.e. needs more testing :)

> ex3buf
> exflip

Will not work with the banked version of the driver (but shouldn't
crash now).

> exshade

Crashing because it was trying to set a mode X mode.  The driver has
been editted to not try mode X.  Use the mode X driver for mode X
modes! :)

> expat
> exswitch

Sub-bitmaps were a problem.  Not anymore.

> demo

demo has worked all along for me...

> Also, whenever I quit a program using the svgalib driver, it leaves
> garbage on the screen. Enter cures it.

I don't have that problem much now.  I don't think I could be bothered
fixing it myself, but I think it *might* just be an SVGAlib problem.
Does it happen with other SVGAlib programs? (not including GGI ones
though, 'cause they cheat :)

Thanks for the bug reports.

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
"The closer I get the worse it becomes..." - Nine Inch Nails
(Perhaps Trent is singing about a software project of his.)

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