Re: [AD] Linux mouse patch

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Kevin Dickerson <sparcbot@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If there is a way to implement Intellimouse (or generic wheel mice)
> functions in Linux, there should be a way to implement this in DOS, no?
> Or has someone already implemented this functionality?

Not unless the DOS mouse driver provides this functionality.  Under
Windows it should be very possible (and easy?).

As for `generic wheel mice', most wheel mice use the Intellimouse
protocol.  I for one do not own any MS hardware, but both my Logitech
mouse and Genius NetMouse, which has buttons instead of a wheel, work
using the same protocol.  I guess this should be made clear in
readme.lnx when it is updated.

(P.S. Kevin, sorry about you receiving this twice, I forgot to change
the To: address)

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx -
"What's in the box?"  "Pain."

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