Re: [AD] Linux mouse patch

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On Sat, 30 Oct 1999 tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> But a little problem came up.  The mouse wheel only generates data
> when the wheel moves, not when it stops moving.  Therefore there is no
> way to unset the bit, unless the mouse is moved or one of the buttons
> is pushed.  If you have a wheel mouse, try scrolling the wheel but
> doing nothing else and you will see what I mean.  The question is, how
> do I work around this?

An idea, maybe you could do it with "sticky bits", if that's their name:

First time: mouse wheel without movement, all bits clean.

Then, user moves the wheel down. The sticky bit for mouse-wheel-down is
activated. Although the user stops scrolling down, the bit keeps being

The user moves the wheel one 'click' up. This cleans the down-bit => the
scrolling halts.

Now, another click up, the mouse-wheel-up is turned on, everything starts
scrolling up. Etc.

And in your program, you could let the user specify if he wants the
wheel-scrolling to stop when the mouse is moved, or not.

PD: I love your sig :-)

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz - gradha@xxxxxxxxxx
Gogosoftware -

 Windows NT - Naturally Terrible.

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