[AD] [PATCH] Bug in installing shared libraries in 3.9.25

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There is still a bug in the shared library install in 3.9.25... the
lib*.so files are generated incorrectly... in the GROUP statement the
files they give are lib*-3.9.25 rather than lib*-3.9.25.so  Here's a small
patch that should correct it. -- Apologies if I was supposed to send this
to George directly, but I forgot to add his address to my address book, I
will do so in the future.

-Gary Simmons
--- allegro/makefile.in~	Mon Aug  2 17:10:12 1999
+++ allegro/makefile.in	Tue Aug  3 00:22:42 1999
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@
 	    echo Installing $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so to $(libdir); \
 	    $(INSTALL_DATA) $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so $(libdir)/; \
 	    $(INSTALL_DATA) $(LIBDIR)/lib$${l}_nonshared.a $(libdir)/; \
-	    $(mksofile) $(libdir) lib$${l}.so lib$${l}-$(shared_version) lib$${l}_nonshared.a; \
+	    $(mksofile) $(libdir) lib$${l}.so lib$${l}-$(shared_version).so lib$${l}_nonshared.a; \
 	  fi; \
 	$(LDCONFIG) $(libdir)

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