[AD] WIP 3.9.25 DLLs released

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I have released the DLLs for WIP 3.9.25...

Since finding out I now have the ability to create directories on my web
server I've changed where the files are to avoid clutter (really really
annoying, especially when using windows-native ftp program)


For those that just want the dlls:

The future of things to come:

On August 28, I will be making the 8-hour drive to my college of choice
(Michigan Tech' University or MTU)...

During that drive and subsequent orientation and just plain adjusting I may
or may not get the DLLs done.
Hell, I may not even get my e-mail...
It all depends on how easy/hard it will be for me to adjust to the college
life (and being about 450 miles away from friends, family, and pets will
surely put my willpower to a test)...

But fear not!  As soon as I get everything sorted out physically and
mentally I'll be back to uploading DLLs and just plain trying to help people
if I can...

I figured I might want to let everyone one know, in case I forget to mention
it before then...

For those not knowing where MTU is located, here is an ASCII representation
of a sign on a t-shirt that is very common there (MTU is located in
Houghton, MI  USA)

| End of World     0 |
| Houghton         2 |
         | |
         | |

And it surely feels like it!

Good day to all!

* James Johnson

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