Re: [AD] Bug in exflame.c

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On Sun, Jul 04, 1999 at 10:47:20PM +0100, Shawn Hargreaves wrote:
> Alt doesn't return anything on its own, but when you press T, that is a real 
> key, and generates some real input.

There is a problem with this in the current Linux
implementation, BTW -- you said that the key two to the right of
Caps Lock should be KEY_S no matter what the actual keyboard
mapping is, but then pressing Alt and that key makes `readkey'
return KEY_S<<8 no matter what the keyboard mapping, which means
all the menu shortcut keys are wrong.

I appreciate that to some extent it's my fault for using a
bizarre keyboard layout, and have got rather used to some
programs not understanding it, but it's unsatisfying when
something that I wrote can't support it. :)


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