[AD] Allegro and Delphi

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Hello everybody!

I just downloaded the precompiled MSVC DLL and the current WIP (3922)

I coded a Delphi wrapper for the "all3922.dll" functions and am working
on all the macros and structs defined in "allegro.h".

Then I created a new Delphi project tried to initialize Allegro in
the event handler of a simple Button, but the main window just terminates?!?

Can someone briefly explain me how the "magic" of _WinMain & Co works?


Is it possible to implement an Allegro-MSVC-DLL method that takes a window
handle (HWND) and starts the library assigned to this handle? 

Christian Stein.

PS: The windemo.exe (from the precompiled dll site) says:
               " Error initialising sound
                 Failed to init MIDI music driver " 
    on a system with DX 6.1 and a Creative SB AWE64 Gold...

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