Re: [AD] GGI patch for 3.9.21

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On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, George Foot wrote:

> The problem here is that the GGI driver shouldn't be part of the
> X port, I don't think.  If you leave it out of there, then build a
> library without X support or sort out the allegro.cfg to force
> the Linux console system driver into play, I'd hope that your
> GGI driver works as you'd expect.  But you'd have to persuade it
> to coexist with the rest of the Linux console driver first...

The problem with that is your keyboard input ends up coming from the
xterm you launched the program from, rather than the window.  At least,
that's what happens in my experience.  The mouse input becomes pretty
screwed aswell, as it conflicts with X.

tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx - - ICQ: 4588779

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