[AD] Linux patch -- MS mouse support

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This patch adds support for MS-compatible mice.  You won't be
able to use it though until the setup program supports mouse
configuration, because Allegro will always detect the PS/2
driver in preference to this one, even if you don't have a PS/2
mouse.  If you like, you can change the driver ordering so that
the MS driver gets detected first for you, but this is not a
real solution.

Please Cc any replies to me.  Thanks.


diff -urN allegro-3.9.24-6/include/allegro/alunix.h allegro-3.9.24-7/include/allegro/alunix.h
--- allegro-3.9.24-6/include/allegro/alunix.h	Tue Jul 20 23:38:14 1999
+++ allegro-3.9.24-7/include/allegro/alunix.h	Sat Jul 24 23:50:14 1999
@@ -140,6 +140,9 @@
 #define MOUSEDRV_LINUX_GPMDATA   AL_ID('G','P','M','D')
 AL_VAR(MOUSE_DRIVER, mousedrv_linux_gpmdata);
+#define MOUSEDRV_LINUX_MS        AL_ID('M','S',' ',' ')
+AL_VAR(MOUSE_DRIVER, mousedrv_linux_ms);
 #define JOY_TYPE_LINUX_ANALOGUE  AL_ID('L','N','X','A')
 AL_VAR(JOYSTICK_DRIVER, joystick_linux_analogue);
diff -urN allegro-3.9.24-6/makefile.lst allegro-3.9.24-7/makefile.lst
--- allegro-3.9.24-6/makefile.lst	Tue Jul 20 23:38:14 1999
+++ allegro-3.9.24-7/makefile.lst	Sat Jul 24 23:57:18 1999
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@
 	src/linux/lmouse.c \
 	src/linux/lmsedrv.c \
 	src/linux/lmsegpmd.c \
+	src/linux/lmsems.c \
 	src/linux/lmseps2.c \
 	src/linux/lstddrv.c \
 	src/linux/lsystem.c \
diff -urN allegro-3.9.24-6/src/linux/lmsedrv.c allegro-3.9.24-7/src/linux/lmsedrv.c
--- allegro-3.9.24-6/src/linux/lmsedrv.c	Tue Jul 20 23:38:14 1999
+++ allegro-3.9.24-7/src/linux/lmsedrv.c	Sat Jul 24 23:48:57 1999
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 /* list the available drivers */
 _DRIVER_INFO _linux_mouse_driver_list[] =
    {  MOUSEDRV_LINUX_GPMDATA,  &mousedrv_linux_gpmdata,  TRUE  },
    {  MOUSEDRV_LINUX_PS2,      &mousedrv_linux_ps2,      TRUE  },
+   {  MOUSEDRV_LINUX_MS,       &mousedrv_linux_ms,       TRUE  },
    {  0,                       NULL,                     0     }
diff -urN allegro-3.9.24-6/src/linux/lmsems.c allegro-3.9.24-7/src/linux/lmsems.c
--- allegro-3.9.24-6/src/linux/lmsems.c	Thu Jan  1 01:00:00 1970
+++ allegro-3.9.24-7/src/linux/lmsems.c	Sun Jul 25 00:03:14 1999
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+/*         ______   ___    ___
+ *        /\  _  \ /\_ \  /\_ \
+ *        \ \ \L\ \\//\ \ \//\ \      __     __   _ __   ___
+ *         \ \  __ \ \ \ \  \ \ \   /'__`\ /'_ `\/\`'__\/ __`\
+ *          \ \ \/\ \ \_\ \_ \_\ \_/\  __//\ \L\ \ \ \//\ \L\ \
+ *           \ \_\ \_\/\____\/\____\ \____\ \____ \ \_\\ \____/
+ *            \/_/\/_/\/____/\/____/\/____/\/___L\ \/_/ \/___/
+ *                                           /\____/
+ *                                           \_/__/
+ *
+ *      Linux console internal mouse driver for Microsoft mouse.
+ *
+ *      By George Foot.
+ *
+ *      See readme.txt for copyright information.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <termios.h>
+#include "allegro.h"
+#include "allegro/aintern.h"
+#include "allegro/aintunix.h"
+#include "linalleg.h"
+#define ASCII_NAME "Linux MS mouse"
+#define DEVICE_FILENAME "/dev/mouse"
+/* processor:
+ *  Processes the first packet in the buffer, if any, returning the number
+ *  of bytes eaten.
+ *
+ *  Microsoft protocol has only seven data bits.  The top bit is set in 
+ *  the first byte of the packet, clear in the other two.  The next two 
+ *  bits in the header are the button state.  The next two are the top 
+ *  bits of the Y offset (second data byte), and the last two are the 
+ *  top bits of the X offset (first data byte).
+ */
+static int processor (unsigned char *buf, int buf_size, struct mouse_info *info)
+   info->updated = 0;
+   if (buf_size < 3) return 0;     /* not enough data, spit it out for now */
+   if (!(buf[0] & 0x40)) return 1; /* invalid byte, eat it */
+   if (buf[1] & 0x40) return 1;    /* first data byte is actually a header */
+   if (buf[2] & 0x40) return 2;    /* second data byte is actually a header */
+   info->l = !!(buf[0] & 0x20);
+   info->r = !!(buf[0] & 0x10);
+   info->m = 0;
+   info->x =  (signed char) (((buf[0] & 0x03) << 6) | (buf[1] & 0x3F));
+   info->y = -(signed char) (((buf[0] & 0x0C) << 4) | (buf[2] & 0x3F));
+   info->updated = 1;
+   return 3; /* yum */
+static INTERNAL_MOUSE_DRIVER intdrv = {
+   -1,
+   processor,
+   2
+/* sync_mouse:
+ *  To find the start of a packet, we just read all the data that's 
+ *  waiting.  This isn't a particularly good way, obviously. :)
+ */
+static void sync_mouse (int fd)
+	fd_set set;
+	int result;
+	struct timeval tv;
+	char bitbucket;
+	do {
+		FD_ZERO (&set);
+		FD_SET (fd, &set);
+		tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_usec = 0;
+		result = select (FD_SETSIZE, &set, NULL, NULL, &tv);
+		if (result > 0) read (fd, &bitbucket, 1);
+	} while (result > 0);
+/* mouse_init:
+ *  Here we open the mouse device, initialise anything that needs it, 
+ *  and chain to the framework init routine.
+ */
+static int mouse_init (void)
+	char tmp[80];
+	struct termios t;
+	/* Open mouse device.  Devices are cool. */
+	intdrv.device = open (DEVICE_FILENAME, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
+	if (intdrv.device < 0) {
+		usprintf (allegro_error, get_config_text ("Unable to open %s: %s"), uconvert_ascii (DEVICE_FILENAME, tmp), ustrerror (errno));
+		return -1;
+	}
+	/* Set parameters */
+	tcgetattr (intdrv.device, &t);
+	t.c_iflag = IGNBRK | IGNPAR;
+	t.c_oflag = t.c_lflag = t.c_line = 0;
+	t.c_cflag = CS7 | CREAD | CLOCAL | HUPCL | B1200;
+	tcsetattr (intdrv.device, TCSAFLUSH, &t);
+	/* Discard any garbage, so the next thing we read is a packet header */
+	sync_mouse (intdrv.device);
+	return __al_linux_mouse_init (&intdrv);
+/* mouse_exit:
+ *  Chain to the framework, then uninitialise things.
+ */
+static void mouse_exit (void)
+	__al_linux_mouse_exit();
+	close (intdrv.device);
+MOUSE_DRIVER mousedrv_linux_ms =
+	empty_string,
+	empty_string,
+	mouse_init,
+	mouse_exit,
+	NULL, /* poll() */
+	NULL, /* timer_poll() */
+	__al_linux_mouse_position,
+	__al_linux_mouse_set_range,
+	__al_linux_mouse_set_speed,
+	__al_linux_mouse_get_mickeys

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