Re: [AD] Progress report on Linux console Allegro

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On Thu, Jun 24, 1999 at 01:43:23AM +0000, Jason Wilkins wrote:
> We should agree on some platform neutral way to descrive this,
> 'console switch' is very linuxy ^_^  Of course,
> screen connected/disconnected may be BeOS specific, but BeOS
> doesn't have consoles, but all OSes have screens.

`display switching'?  It's only a name. :)

> I don't see anything wrong with registering a callback function
> that will never be called. If you are worried about it running
> in windows then just register the function and don't worry
> about if it will ever actually be called, it's less code.

The difference under Windows is that the application can know
whether or not it has to bother making sure it can always redraw
the screen on demand.  I'm not sure it matters really though.

> > and SVGAlib is GPLed, isn't it?
> Can anyone that knows for sure tell me exactly what the difference
> between the GPL and the LGPL when it comes to linking with a library?

GPL: If you use GPLed code in your programs, you must put your
programs under the GPL.  So you have to distribute your source
code.  This is the one that has been likened to a virus.

LGPL: If you use LGPLed code in your programs, you must allow
people to rebuild your program with a newer version of the
LGPLed code.  i.e. distribute object files, if not sources.

I could be wrong though.


ko cilre fi la lojban  --

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