Re: [LA-discussions] non reconnaissance du lecteur de carte sur SD EEEPC 701

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toto@toto-laptop:~$ lsusb
Bus 004 Device 002: ID eb1a:2761 eMPIA Technology, Inc. EeePC 701 integrated Webcam
Bus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 003 Device 002: ID 0951:1606 Kingston Technology
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub

et hop.

toto@toto-laptop:~$ cat /etc/fstab
# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier
# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name
# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).
# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
proc            /proc           proc    nodev,noexec,nosuid 0       0
# / was on /dev/sda1 during installation
UUID=836643e4-abf6-4434-8cb2-d28f95b848ec /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1
# swap was on /dev/sda5 during installation
UUID=3b22531a-b1a5-4fae-b530-5165f2d24f86 none            swap    sw              0       0
toto@toto-laptop:~$ cat /proc/bus/usb
cat: /proc/bus/usb: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type

Merci des conseils

Timothée JEAN & Julie MARONCLES

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