Re: [translations] new homepage update: localized links

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Il giorno sab 15 ott 2016 alle 5:25, Masamichi Hosoda <trueroad@xxxxxxxxxxx> ha scritto:
 Hi Masamichi

 I have a question for you.
 Why you made the below change?
 The links must have the language extension, otherwise they will link
 to the english page.
The current version on works fine in japanese, while the french version doesn't work exactly because it doesn't use the fr.html

 I'm missing something?

If I understand correctly, `make doc' rewrites relative links.

First, I used `examples.ja.html' for the relative links.
But, the resulting html used `examples.ja.ja.html' for them.

So I use `examples.html' for them.
The resulting html uses `examples.ja.html'.

On the other hand, French version uses `examples.html' for the relative links.
The resulting html correctly uses `'.
But the fragment (something like `#Complex-Notation' etc.) is not translated. So the destination page is correctly French page but the position is wrong.

Thanks, you are right.
For the records, Jean-Charles fixed the other updated languages except japanese. You'll take care of it?

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