Re: [translations] new to lilypond translations

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> Very good to hear that you are willing to help with the german
> translation. I guess that your first step will be updating the manuals. I
> would start with website, then learning, usage and notation reference..
> I wrote a simple guide for translators. The information needed to work on
> the translation is all condensed in one page and should have some more
> details than the current Contributor Guide (this issue is meant to include
> this information in the CG:

Yes, that is helpful and clarifies a few things left unclear by the
current CG.

A minor typo though:
the git command to initially clone lilypond should have a 'lilypond-git'
appended as otherwise it will be cloned into directory lilypond.

> Try to follow this guide and ask if you get stuck. I'll leave again for a
> trip of 10 days on Wednesday but I'll read emails and try to help you as
> much as I can without a computer.
> I would suggest to send here a patch for the website update first.

Will do exactly that.

Thank you for your support, it is highly appreciated.

Kind regards,
 Michael Gerdau       email: mgd@xxxxxxx
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