[translations] Stuck with an error in Priority III Catalan translation

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I'm stuck with the files suggested to compile priority III Catalan
translation. I get the error in the "usage" directory, where basically
I have translated usage.tely plus usage/running.itely and

The error I get is the typical suggesting some not closed bracket,
namely I get in usage.texi2pdf.log:

/usage.texi:15: Paragraph ended before
\documentlanguagetrywithoutunderscore was complete.
<to be read again> 
../usage.texi:15: Emergency stop.

which I solved in the past in another similar cases by finding and
fixing some unclosed bracket. But this time I revised the hell out of
me these three files and can find any unclosed  bracket. As I keep
looking without giving up, if anybody can take a look, I very much
would appreciate it. You can find my set of patches in:


which I'm applying against the translation branch.

Walter Garcia-Fontes

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