Re: [translations] Re: Catalan translation priority II

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git format-patch origin/translation

Il 29/lug/2014 09:14 "Walter Garcia-Fontes" <walter.garcia@xxxxxxx> ha scritto:
Still struggling to get my patches for the priority II translation to
Catalan summary. Since my local git repository seemed to have
conflicts which I was struggling to resolve, I did the following:

1) Copied all files from the Catalan translation
2) Created a new clone of the current remote git repository
3) Reintroduced my Catalan translation files, commited them to a local
branch, and rebased my branch against the "translation" branch. No
conflicts were shown.
4) Created the patches with "git format-patch translation"

I found the following problems:
- I got a lot more patches apart from my own, it seems that all
changes in the master branch which were not in the translation branch
corresponded to those extra patches.
- I searched for ">>>>>>> HEAD" just in case, and I found one of these
in Documentation/ca/introduction.itexi .

In any case "make" and "make doc" finished without errors in my local
branch, despite the possible conflict in introduction.itexi.

So I'm still reluctant to submit this patch since I still don't
understand if everything is alright.

Walter Garcia-Fontes
L'Hospitalet de Llobregat

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