Re: [translations] Re: log files

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Le 09/03/2013 21:51, Francisco Vila disait :
2013/3/9 Francisco Vila <>:
2013/3/9 Jean-Charles Malahieude <lilyfan@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi Francisco!

Have you had a look at the logs?

No, I can not complete doc build due to an error in Documentation/cs
but I have successfully completed "make -C Documentation/es doc" with a
clean exit. I will look and try again but I have a concert tomorrow
here and will have to wait until Monday at

Thank you!

I have fixed the problems. As for the "WARNING: Unable to find
node..." I thought everyone else had them. I don't know what they mean
or what can I do to avoid them for the moment.

When I run: make -j3 doc LANGS='fr'
I check all logs (I now know I still should read the end of *.texi2pdf.log as well) if there are WARNINGS about nodes not found in books except snippets and internals. It's most of the time due to misspelling, a renaming that has not been updated in an @ref or @rbook, or having used what is after @node instead of after @sectioning.

Wishing you tons of applauds this afternoon,

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