[translations] Automatic build of translation branch

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Dear translators,

As you might have noticed on lilypond-devel list, an autobuild script
Patchy runs at least every 8 hours to build staging branch, and if
successful fast-forward master from it and put built docs on

How about doing a similar thing for translation branch?
There are two possible scenarios.

1) Build translation branch every 8 hours, send a report to this list
and if succesful put the built docs on grenouille.lilynet.net.

2) Use the staging/master mechanism for translations: add a new branch
translation-staging where work on translations should be pushed to,
build this branch every 8 hours, and if succesful fast-forward
translation from it and put the built docs on grenouille.lilynet.net.
No commits should be pushed to translation branch directly.  Merges with
master and staging should be done only these ways, manually because
there may be conflicts when merging:
master into translation-staging
translation into staging

Scenario 2) is good in case translation branch breakage is frequent and
annoys translators, I think it doesn't add burden to the translations
meister Francisco, but it might make commits propagation between master
and translation a bit slower (or not).

I'm counting on your comments,

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