Re: [translations] Generate PDF

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On 2011.07.10., at 12:23, Francisco Vila wrote:

> 2011/7/10 Harmath Dénes <harmathdenes@xxxxxxxxx>:
>> I downloaded huhyp.tex and managed to build the whole documentation...
>> ...but all .hu.pdfs are in Italian. :((( WTF is this?
> The solution is not to download a huhyp.tex file, but provide a valid
> txi-hu.tex file with everything included in it. We relied on existing
> packages for rendering our manuals until now, but if you think that
> current dependencies are not enough for the Hungarian language, then
> we can perhaps widen them.

So is it okay if I include huhyp.tex (just one file) in /tex, or should I inline it in txi-hu.tex?

> I did not see Italian manuals whe I built them with the Spanish file
> instead.  Check the contents of the out-www directory and try tracking
> back where all that Italian material comes from.

Hmm... I have no clue at sight, and I'm not a tex guru.
To experiment, I want to build only the Hungarian material, but I can't find in the CG how to do this. Is this possible?

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