Re: [translations] Generate PDF

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2011/7/10 Harmath Dénes <harmathdenes@xxxxxxxxx>:
> I downloaded huhyp.tex and managed to build the whole documentation...
> ...but all .hu.pdfs are in Italian. :((( WTF is this?

The solution is not to download a huhyp.tex file, but provide a valid
txi-hu.tex file with everything included in it. We relied on existing
packages for rendering our manuals until now, but if you think that
current dependencies are not enough for the Hungarian language, then
we can perhaps widen them.

I did not see Italian manuals whe I built them with the Spanish file
instead.  Check the contents of the out-www directory and try tracking
back where all that Italian material comes from.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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