[translations] Re: Could you merge into master

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2011/4/5 Till Paala <till.rettig@xxxxxx>:
> Hi Francisco,
> could you merge translationbranch into master? I did some last updates, hope
> they will make it for the 2.14.

I will do today.  Keep in mind that all updates which are not in time
for 2.14.1 will _not_ have to wait until 2.16 is released. We will
certainly have 2.14.2 or .3 with more complete translations.

All projects I know have to be translated afterwards as a last stage
of the development cycle.  I work in GIMP and there has been a string
freeze there (and for GNOME) so that translators can work more
confortablily.  So far, so good. But that string freeze has been
broken _many_ times. It is crazy.  We in lilypond live much more in
the bleeding edge: no freezes and no time to translate.  Instead, we
have more frequent releases.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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