Re: [translations] Doc-ja: Add ja-NR

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2011/2/27 Yoshiki Sawada <sawada.yoshiki@xxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> Thanks. I have applied but something is blocking compilation by
>>>> texi2html in Documentation/ja ; it is eating all my CPU power for too
>>>> long now.  Let others try to compile and feedback.
>>> I had this too for the Japanese docs, I think it is because of the
>>> Japanese signs. With my previous computer (Pentium M) it took more than one
>>> hour only on the Japanese docs, with my present on (Core Duo) it is bearable
>>> but still takes some time.

I did the following unattended sequence and it succeeded:

rm config.hh; ./ && make  && make doc-clean && make doc

With no need of any further fix.  I'm applying the missing brace anyway.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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