Re: [translations] maintainability

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2011/1/30 Harmath Dénes <harmathdenes@xxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi all,
> I just updated hu/web/manuals.itexi because the links were broken in the last release.
> My question is: why must the whole Texinfo files be maintained in parallel for all translations, and not just the strings? This approach imposes a significant and irreasonable maintenance burden on the translators.

We do not have a system of translation by strings.  Only some
automatic portions of the web pages (e.g. footers) are translated by
means of strings.  The doc Po files used to serve as a source of
translations for variables and comments into @lilypond blocks;  I
don't really know if this is still working properly as such.

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain) ,

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