[translations] Re: Files for the first phase of Czech translation of documentation

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Le lundi 20 septembre 2010 à 19:21 +0200, Pavel Fric a écrit :
> thanks for answer, so the e-mail adress, I sent the files is good for
> translation issues and I will send the answers there, not directly to
> developers. :-)

Great, then welcome on translators' list!

> I think, that I am the only one in this moment, who cares about
> bringing LilyPond to Czech language. I´ve already worked on
> lilypond.po hosted on Translation Project, but probably due to
> unchanged header - it tells, that it is LilyPond in version 1.6 or so
> - also it is not loaded by LilyPond to project, because of this
> misunderstanding (the file was completed to current version just
> before one year. Then I am working regularly on Frescobaldi for abou
> one year and half.

Please let me a few days to look at this.

> > http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.13/Documentation/web/translated.html
> Yes, I think.

No, according to that page, the German translation is not completely
up-to-date.  Unless it is much harder for you to read English than
German (say, it takes you 10 times longer to read and understand it), i
highly recommend you to folow the sources in English for translating,
and only refer to German docs as an additional source.

>  and when I am not much skilled in texinfo structure and commands, I
> am still not much experienced, I can, using German files, just focus
> on translation.

I don't understand this: why couln't you do this starting from English
docs as well?  As a starting point, you can just ignore the Texinfo
commands and translate the plain text, and you learn them as you need,
asking for unclear details on translations list as you need.  It's
normal that Texinfo code puzzles you at the beginning, but don't worry,
it will go smoothly after some experience.

> Yes, it is. Thanks for manual how to deal with it. I am interested in
> all, what you can offer. If I understand, I only have to add
> "nominative" on proper places and two commas. The I ask you for manual
> how to deal with definitions in "macro" file.

Sure.  Would you like to resubmit files th after having corrected this?
If you decide to use correct cases in cross-references (and remember
that you don't have to, it's your choice), then please do it in all the
documentation and website, for the sake of coherence. 


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