[translations] Typos in German manual

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Hello German Lilyponders!

here's a patch (against git master) to fix typos in the German manual.
There are a few node renames which I hope are uncontroversial, but if
not, please allow me to redo the patch.

I'm not quite certain whether my changes require updating the "this is
translation of comittish XXX"; I would assume not, though.

Things not fixed in this patch:

- The string "Seitennummerbezeichnung" occurs a few times in
  Documentation/de/notation/fretted-strings.itely; I think it is not
  right, as the node deals with Gitarren Saiten not Seiten.  I'm not
  sure what the right term would be.

- Gesangtext vs. Gesangstext, and lots of derived words.  I think the
  former is wrong, but it occurs several times and I'm not sure if maybe
  both forms are valid.

The patch is bzip2'ed so it hopefully makes it through to the list.
Again, I can only recommend 'git show --color-words' for reviewing,
and I'd be grateful if somebody could test it for me, too, because
I've not yet built LilyPond successfully.

Cheers, and thanks for maintaining the manual,

Attachment: 0002-Fix-typos-in-the-German-manual.patch.bz2
Description: Binary data

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