[translations] Documentation for non-english only

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Hello.  An issue has flashed my mind while correcting a pupil's
exercise.  I can teach them the correct syntax, coding style and so
on, and in addition I can instruct them on how to read the docs, which
are translated and should contain most of the answers to their

However, sooner or later the student has to face the lilypond syntax
error messages, which are in English and only in English. You get the

So we need a section in the tutorial, only for non-english-speaking
people, that should explain why after { d- g } lilypond complains with
"unexpected NOTENAME_PITCH" [and what does it mean], whilst after { d-
<c e g> } we get "unexpected <" [and what does that mean].

The variety of cases is wide, and I think one can not assume that our
translation effort is complete if an Spanish boy (eg.) is not able to
progress in his mastering of lilypond without the help of a living
teacher besides him, because there will be always so many strings in

Oh, I know, computer languages are made of English keywords and so on,
but I firmly think we can ease the process very much by isolating the
English language to ever shrinking parts of the learning process. What
do you think?

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)
www.paconet.org , www.csmbadajoz.com

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