Re: [translations] Documentation for non-english only

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Am 31.05.10 23:15, schrieb Francisco Vila:

So we need a section in the tutorial, only for non-english-speaking
people, that should explain why after { d- g } lilypond complains with
"unexpected NOTENAME_PITCH" [and what does it mean], whilst after { d-
<c e g>  } we get "unexpected<" [and what does that mean].

Hi Francisco,
fun to hear you are still teaching LilyPond. I agree with you that such a section would probably really help some people who don't understand English at all. On the other hand those error messages are also cryptical if you understand them -- as you pointed out. So it might even be of use to everybody. Still in the last place LilyPond should be able to issue error messages that would be comprehensible and translated, as a lot of them are. I guess you know better than I why some are translated and others not.

Personally still recovering from long absence and overwhelmed by the mass of changes in the docs ;-)

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