Re: [translations] learning/preface.itely

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Le samedi 02 janvier 2010 à 23:40 +0100, Harmath Dénes a écrit :
> Too bad! We already translated it, and anyway I think it would be
> worth including somewhere in the docs (perhaps in the website's
> Introduction).

Oops, this file is still present in the English docs sources, but it
seems that it's included nowhere.  This should have been cleaned up
earlier, but the position of Documentation editor (for English
documentation and documentation issues in general) is still free, and
Graham does so many other things nowadays (releases, development
organization, website technical maintenance) that it's
difficult to blame him about this unfinished reorganization work on the
Learning Manual.  The translation list wasn't up to date either, but
this comes both from the dificulty to know the state of English docs
reorganization and my laziness.

I suggest you to create a (sub)*section somewhere in the new website
named "Preface of 2.x release" (try to find the even value of x where
this preface first appeared), with a @node but without any
@translationof, and put the text of the old preface in that node.


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