Re: [translations] translation of xx.po files

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2009/11/3 Federico Bruni <brunology@xxxxxxx>:
> I pick some examples:
> #:
> msgid "be strict about success"
> msgstr ""
> #:
> msgid "preserve ABC's notion of beams"
> msgstr ""
> Of course, the first message is directed to the user (right?), so I know
> which tense I should use.
> The second may be a description of what abc2ly is doing. So I would use a
> present tense 3rd person. If it was a message to the user, I would use
> either an infinitive or an imperative 2nd person.

Both are infinitive, they refer to options that modify the program behavior..

The #-string gives you a clue on where the string is being used.
You'll find them (translated or not) in the output of abc2ly --help.
Compare them with the output of

LANG= abc2ly --help

> Do you have any advice about the general issue?
> (if the answer is "you must know well each application", then I guess I'll
> make a rough translation and then correct it as soon as I get a better
> understanding of each message)

You are right. It is often difficult to guess, that's why I try to
compile the program and docs, try to find where every translated
string goes, and check that everything is coherent.  Just using the
program and reading the manuals you'll find potential mistakes.

> Thanks for your help!
> Federico
> --
> Federico Bruni  |
> LibrePlanet Italia

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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