Re: [tablatures] harmonics and slides II

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Am 19.12.2010 20:42, schrieb Patrick Schmidt:

But I am not sure how this will interact with lily-git.tcl.
Is it still possible to use git after having made a patch with lily-git?
Yes, but I hope Carl will join in this discussion, because he did a lot of work for
the lily-git.tcl programm, so he probably can give you better advice.

BTW: I didn't manage to write a scheme function to automatically adjust length and thickness of glissandi in Voice and TabVoice contexts. Sorry for that.

Today I posted a bug report concerning \hideNotes in tablature. It affects one of the attached snippets.

Thanks for any help to improve.
Your patch look very good - one small correction perhaps?

+ratioHarmonics = {
+  \ottava #1
+  \harmonicByRatio #1/2<g\3 b\2 e'\1>4
+  \harmonicByRatio #1/3<g\3 b\2 e'\1>4
+  \harmonicByRatio #1/4 { g8\3 b8\2 e'4\1 }

I would add \harmonicByRatio #2/3<g\3 b\2 e'\1>4
as well just to make sure that frets beyond the 12th can be accessed
by this method.
I wanted to keep the snippet as small as possible. That's why I created a reference for the selected snippets ( It contains all eight ratios. It's supposed to be some sort of look-up table for LilyPond users...

Ok, I see your point. I made my proposal just to show users at first glance that other fractions are possible (without adding *all* possibilities, of course), but probably that's not necessary here, so just forget about
my comment.



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