[tablatures] Re: \set predefinedDiagramTable in a TabStaff

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On 11/17/10 4:51 AM, "Patrick Schmidt" <p.l.schmidt@xxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi Carl (et al.),
> the command \set predefinedDiagramTable used in a TabStaff leads to
> the following error:
> .../Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/share/lilypond/
> current/scm/translation-functions.scm:232:10: In procedure filter in
> expression (filter (lambda # # ...)):
> /Applications/LilyPond.app/Contents/Resources/share/lilypond/current/
> scm/translation-functions.scm:232:10: Wrong number of arguments to
> #<primitive-procedure filter>
> Processing time: 1 seconds

I've located and fixed this bug in the latest git.  Thanks for the report!

> I also wanted to show how I use your new
> function of different predefined diagram tables. BTW I have defined
> loads of "custom" chord shapes (not attached). Is there any chance
> that these predefined-diagram-table-files could become part of the
> LilyPond-package one day. They might reduce the need to define chord
> diagrams including fingering and barre indications for other users.

I've looked at your definitions, and they seem to me to be very interesting..
I think they're also more complicated than I'd like them to be.

I've attached a revised version of your files that shows how I think it
ought to work.  Of course it doesn't work now, because the notes in the
regular staff don't match either the fretboard or the tablature.

I think it should be possible to modify the note-head-engraver so that it
does the same thing the tablature engraver does, that is, if there's a
predefined fretboard for the chord in chordmode, it replaces the notes that
came from the chord parser with the notes from the fretboard.  It might be
difficult to do well, because of enharmonic spellings.  But it would be
really nice in my opinion if we could just call it a C chord, and let the
predefined fretboard in the desired table spit out the notes that we need.

What do you think?



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