Re: [tablatures] Bends: tests for appearance of pointed slurs

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Marc Hohl wrote:
David Stocker schrieb:
These are excellent results! Great work.

I think the third configuration yields the best appearance.

I only have a few comments:

  1. In a bend and release combination, it would be nice if the
     right-most edge of the "bend-up" line and the left-most edge of
     the "release-down" line were separated by about 0.25 staff spaces.
Oh, and I tried hard to make these lines connect - but this can be changed easily.
  2. In Measure 13, the bend line that corresponds to the tie in the
     note-staff (during the \holdBend) should be a dashed line.
Yes, I know; there's is a comment in pointing this out. The main purpose for this test was the pointed slur in the normal staves - the tablature stuff is a separate issue.

These results are already as good as or better than the defaults in Sibelius and Finale.

Wow - thanks!
I'm thinking especially of the substitution of ½ for 1/2, etc. There are things that we have to do in Finale and Sibelius (like double-stops) that require a lot of extra effort that I know LilyPond can do easily with improved support for bends, but the overall appearance of your patches truly rivals the results that those programs are capable of. For example, getting things to align properly between the note and tab staves (bend arrows, grace notes, etc.) is no easy task in the commercial programs, so this is definitely more than a few steps ahead as far as ease of use is concerned.

I have collected some ideas and informations for the final conception, so I plan to start soon
with a proper implementation; this means new engravers and stuff.
Before starting to code, I think I will release a feature list and hope to get a lot of response from
you tablature guys.

One question especially to David due to his engraving knowledge:

assume the following situation: I play an a on the tenth fret on the b string and do a three semitone bend to the c. Then I release partly to the b and afterwards fully down to the a again. How do I indicate this? The first part is easy: a bendUp arrow with "1 1/2" over the arrow with a bigger amount in y direction to gain enough space in vertical direction for two adjacent release arrows.
Should the "1" for the bent b be placed somewhere? If yes,where?
I'll do some more examples this weekend in Finale to display how things look in commercial publications including double-stops, held bends, your example from above and a few others I can think of. I'll post it to the list ASAP.

Greetings and best wishes for 2010,

Happy New Year! And once again, thanks for all of the time and effort. Really nice work here.


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