Re: [tablatures] Re: ukulele fretboards

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On 11/23/09 2:08 PM, "Matt Corks" <mvcorks@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Greetings.  As a followup to my earlier post, I've made some progress,
> and now have different questions!
> I've successfully defined fretboard diagrams for some ukulele chords,
> as seen here:
> To do this, I've added this command to output-lib.scm:
>   (define-public ukulele-tuning '(9 4 0 8))

An easier way to do this is to just add it to the top of, in this fashion:

 #(define-public ukulele-tuning '(9 4 0 8))
> The output looks good to me, but I keep getting this error message
> at runtime (with version 2.12.2):
>   warning: No string for pitch #<Pitch c' > (given frets ())
> Am I doing something wrong?

Yes and no.  If you look at the chord notes that show up on your music,
you'll see that the c chords are an octave lower than the a and b chords
(because octaves are defined to *start* with c).  This means that the notes
of those chords are too low for the ukulele to play; hence the warning

However, there appears to be a bug; the chords are getting properly looked
up so the message shouldn't be printed.  I'll try to resolve that.

In the meantime, 

\transpose a c' \myChords

instead of 

\transpose a c \myChords

will get the chords within the range of the ukulele and avoid the warning



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