Re: [tablatures] Baroque lute tablature

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Carl Sorensen wrote Sunday, November 22, 2009 3:08 PM

On 11/22/09 3:57 AM, "Trevor Daniels" <t.daniels@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I see the implementation proceeding in three phases:

Phase I: Implement lute tab output from notemode input with basic

This will require resolving (at least!) these issues:

  How should bass course tunings be specified?

There are two options I can think of:

1.  Add a bassTunings property that lists the bass courses
2. Add the bass course tunings to stringTunings, and add a new property
that indicates the number of bass courses.

I think I prefer option 1. Since we need to add a property anyway, it might as well be the bass course tunings, which is the information we realy want
to have answered.

I do too.  It means the existing tab-related code would
not be affected.

  Baroque lute tab context definitions
  Use markup above/below tab or some other approach?

I think that the quickest thing to do would be to use markups.

But I think the best thing to do is to create some new engravers. I haven't
thought carefully about the names, but they'd be something like
lute_notehead_engraver, lute_stem_engraver, and lute_bass_engraver. Then
we'd have the proper logical entries.

The problem with this is that quite a lot of the
existing tab-related code for noteheads would be
duplicated in the new engraver.  The only real change
is to use letters rather than numbers.  But new
lute-stem-engraver and lute-bass-engraver sound sensible.

  How much can be done in Scheme?

All *can* be done in Scheme, but I don't think it all should. New engravers
are in C++.

OK, I can cope with that.  Actually I'm probably happier
in C++ than Scheme, although I have little real experience
with neither.  I shall need to get more familiarity with
ubuntu and compiling though.  This might slow things up
a bit.

Phase III: Tidy up and implement additional features

Some to consider:

  Laissez vibrer indication with correct end point
  Improved glyphs
  End of section and end of piece indications
  Double pluck indication (diagonal line between two frets)
  Simultaneous pluck indication (vertical line with decoration)
  Italian style

You may want this to be part of Phase I, as it will help govern the context
and grob properties desired.

I left these until later as they all raise new
problems and I didn't want to hold up I and II
because of that.  Surely any properties they require
can be added when we come to code them, can't they ??


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