Re: [tablatures] predefined-guitar-fretboards

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On 11/9/09 2:38 PM, "Patrick Schmidt" <> wrote:

> Hi Carl,
> I found a mistake in a predefined fret diagram (Fmaj7) and fixed it. Here is
> the patch.

Thanks for your review.  I appreciate your looking at it.

Why do you consider the Fmaj7 chord in the file to be a mistake?

The chord that exists in the file is the first chord given at
(except the fingering is wrong on 8notes):

It's also the chord given at

I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure that it's also listed in The Big Gig
Bag Book of Fret Diagrams. (I'm not at home right now, where the book is,
but I used that as my primary reference).

I'm also familiar with the 4-string version of the chord (which you changed
to in the patch).  So I know that it's correct as well.

In creating the predefined diagrams, I was the sole arbiter of what diagram
should be in the file, since I was the author.  I think that my decision
process was to choose a reasonable (subjective term) diagram with the most
strings.  Hence, my version (x;3;3;2;1;0;), which has more strings than your
version (x;x;3;2;1;0;), was selected for inclusion.

I'm happy to have a discussion as to which diagrams ought to be included in
the predefined file (and we can include multiple diagrams for a given chord
by changing the octave), but I don't think we ought to change from one
correct diagram to another correct diagram just because of one person's
personal preference. Otherwise, we can get in a never-ending change loop
(Patrick likes diagram A, Carl likes diagram B, and we keep submitting
conflicting patches).

So, how do you think we should decide which diagram for a particular chord
goes in the default predefined diagrams?

Once we decide on a process, then we can follow that process to decide which
Fmaj7 chord should go in the defaults.



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