Re: [tablatures] new attempt to hammer on/pull off

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Marc Hohl wrote:
Hello tablature users,

I decided to rework the hammer on/pull off stuff almost from scratch.

After playing with some internal variables I found out how to make the stems so short that they don't influence the slurs anymore (before making them invisible,
as it is now for tablature).

Attached is a file which can be included in your own files for testing purposes,
and a simple, quick as a starting point for your tests.

Thanks Marc,

I did some tests and it seems very good.

It's much better than the draft code you sent some weeks ago..
For example, now the doubleSlurs work great (see attached file).
And there's no need to change the stem and slur direction.

The up/down arch option is very cool - I mean this:
 d4_( e )   d4^( e )

So if you decide to add it to the next version, I'll be very happy :-)

Just a question: why did you put \stemUp and \stemDown in your test file? Just for testing purpose?


\version "2.13.4"
\include ""

test = \relative c' {
    c8^( d e f)
    g_( a b c)
    c,^( d e f)
    g_( a b c)
    c,^( d e f)
    g_( a[ b] c)
    <g c>2  \set doubleSlurs = ##t < d g >8 (  < dis  gis >8  < d g >4 )
    <g, c>2  \set doubleSlurs = ##t < d g >8 (  < dis  gis >8 ) < d g >4

\score {
   \new TabVoice { \test }

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