Re: [tablatures] slides

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Carl Sorensen schrieb:

No question it's the right way to do it for 2.13.4.

But the whole thin (including the alists) could be copied to
for immediate use with 2.12, couldn't it?

Hm, after a bit of investigating I can only produce error messages.
What I did: I included the definition of c0-pitch-alist together with
the definition for add-new-clef in, which didn't work:

In procedure cdr in expression (cdr (assoc # c0-pitch-alist)):
/home/marc/lilypond/usr/share/lilypond/current/scm/parser-clef.scm:119:45: Wrong type (expecting pair): #f (by the way, I don't understand this error, because when I #(display c0-pitch-alist), I looks
as it should be)

Then I added the supported-clefs list to the file with the result that
the error message went away, but lilypond still claims that the clef
"moderntab" can't be found.

Then again, I tried to hardcode the values for the moderntab clef,
and this resulted in the attached file, but it still doesn't work. I also tried to
include the definition for make-clef-set from scm/parser-clef.scm
in, but the function string-match is not known at this stage.

What can I do to make this work? Any hints are appreciated!


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