[tablatures] Fwd: news concerning bends

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For archival purposes, I am forwarding to the tablatures list some
previous discussions that may have taken place privately or on the
LilyPond-user mailing list.

- Valentin

Forwarded conversation
Subject: news concerning bends

From: Marc Hohl <marc@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2009/8/3
To: Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammostola@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "Carl D. Sorensen" <c_sorensen@xxxxxxx>, David Stocker
<dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Andrew Wilson <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Viktor Mastoridis <viktor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "David B. Stocker
(dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)" <dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Tony Willoughby
<tonyw@xxxxxxxxx>, Valentin Villenave <v.villenave@xxxxxxxxx>, Julian
Casadesus <julian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Federico Bruni

Hello tablature users,

I have extended the bends; attached is an example.
Let me know what you think about it.

Some technical aspects: I am still (mis)using slurs
for the bends, and I wonder if this could be the right way
(first, I thought that we will need another engraver in the future,
but as the bend amount is now placed properly, the spacing of the
normal staff vs. the tablature staff is set right automatically).
Perhaps there will be commands like \bendSlurOn ... \bendSlurOff
which enable the bends and the bends themselves are coded
as slurd: c( d)

Here is the input I used:

\paper {
 indent = 0
 ragged-right = ##f }
 test = \relative c'' {
 c4 ( d )( c2 )
 c4\2 ( d\2 )( c2\2 )
 c4\3 ( des\3 )( c2\3 ) \break
 c,4\4 ( d\4 )( c2\4 )
 c4\5 ( d\5 )( c2\5 )
 c4\6 ( d\6 )( c2\6 ) \break
 c4 ( cis) d ( es )
 c4 ( es) e( gis )
 c,4 ( cih ) c4 ( cisih )

Please take note of the fact that the bend routine distinguishes bend
up/bend down

As I have discussed with David, I will share the internals with you
all to play around
with the parameters for arrow size, lenght of the horizontal part of
the bend arrow,
font sizes etc., but as this extensions base on the (yet unavailable)
tablature support,
my code won't compile on your computers.
Carl, when will the patch be ready to be applied?

TODO: In the next steps, I will play with grace notes, and I have some
ideas how to
implement pre bends and combined bends (e.g. c ( d)( es ). The quarter
tone bends
sould lead to a bendAfter sign in the normal staff, so quarter tone
bends can be done
in the same way as every other interval.

Any suggestions/improvements/ideas etc. are welcome.

Stay tuned!


From: David Stocker <dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2009/8/3
To: Marc Hohl <marc@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammostola@xxxxxxxxx>, "Carl D.
Sorensen" <c_sorensen@xxxxxxx>, Andrew Wilson <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Viktor Mastoridis <viktor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "David B. Stocker
(dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)" <dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Tony Willoughby
<tonyw@xxxxxxxxx>, Valentin Villenave <v.villenave@xxxxxxxxx>, Julian
Casadesus <julian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Federico Bruni

This is fantastic!

Comments to come.

Also, I haven't been able to get around to doing the slides examples,
but it's on my list of things.

Great work.

From: rosea grammostola <rosea.grammostola@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: 2009/8/3
To: David Stocker <dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Marc Hohl <marc@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Carl D. Sorensen"
<c_sorensen@xxxxxxx>, Andrew Wilson <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Viktor
Mastoridis <viktor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "David B. Stocker
(dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)" <dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Tony Willoughby
<tonyw@xxxxxxxxx>, Valentin Villenave <v.villenave@xxxxxxxxx>, Julian
Casadesus <julian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Federico Bruni

Great to see these improvements. Man you do a good job Marc! You have talent :)

From: Federico Bruni <brunology@xxxxxxx>
Date: 2009/8/3
To: Marc Hohl <marc@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Grammostola Rosea <rosea.grammostola@xxxxxxxxx>, "Carl D.
Sorensen" <c_sorensen@xxxxxxx>, David Stocker
<dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Andrew Wilson <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
Viktor Mastoridis <viktor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "David B. Stocker
(dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)" <dstocker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Tony Willoughby
<tonyw@xxxxxxxxx>, Valentin Villenave <v.villenave@xxxxxxxxx>, Julian
Casadesus <julian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

great work..

you are my hero :D I'm looking forward to it..
Please let us know when 2.13.4 comes out


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