Re: [frogs] New frog in an empty pond?

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Quoting "mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

Hey Pavel,

Thanks for your patience - I'm a bit short on time these days so I can only give feedback in chunks, but I'll try to make it as comprehensive as I can.

The ideal UI for something like this is to be able to do:

a8 [ <\change Staff = "foo" a \change Staff = "bar" a \change Staff = "other" a > a8 ]

Yes, that the best solution, as it would make Lilypond know that the notes belong to one chord.

There are five main issues that will present themselves:

1) Implementing the iterator that will handle the change events.
2) Finding out how to get information to the correct staff contexts.
3) Either expanding NoteColumn to be able to cross staves or create NoteColumnColumn that works like SpanBar in collecting NoteColumns that belong to the same chord. The former is undoubtedly more difficult but likely a better approach.
4) Expand the algorithms in to work across staves.
5) Allow a beam to fall in the middle of a cross-staff chord.

I'd work on them in this order. 1-4 seem necessary in order to integrate this into LilyPond whereas 5 can be done in a subsequent patch.

Some hints for how to proceed:

1)  Copy logic from into
2) Look at auto-beam-engraver,cc and to see how information can be passed around different contexts. 3) Look at to see how grobs can group together objects that fall on different staves and see how this can be applied to

4) and 5) will come after 1,2, and 3. You'll already have your work cut out for you with 1, 2, & 3. E-mail me with any questions for what things mean in these files!

I think I'll try it soon.

However, I would prefer to spend some time on the current approach (extending the stems). If I succeed, I'll be able to provide a stopgap solution for everybody that would work with Lilypond 2.16 and maybe even 2.14. Even if I don't succeed, I'll expand my knowledge of Scheme and Lilypond internals.

As I understand, I need to make a grob that is typeset after stems. It could be a separate grob, such as an arpeggio. Alternatively, I'll try to make one stem a parent of the other one.

Let me play with it a little bit. Then I'll be more confident with the C++ code.

Pavel Roskin

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