[PATCH] T1224: Avoid using deprecated %module-public-interface in guile initialisation.

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1. ly-module.cc:ly_make_module
 Replace call using %module-public-interface
 with shim supplied by guile developers.  Also replace reference to
 "the-scm-module" with "the-root-module" to ensure compatibility
 with Guile V2.0.
2. ly_module.cc:ly_use_module
 Reorganise and comment routine to aid maintenance.
3. lily.scm
 Add in module-export-all! shim for Guile V1.8.7 and test for Guile version.
 Add in shim to use (ice-9 curried-definitions) if running Guile V2.0
4. Remove stray dots in ergonomic-simple-format etc.
5. Make success and warning messages in ly:exit translatable.
6. Move public definitions of make-rhythmic-location etc. from
 clip-region.scm to output-lib.scm.
 lily/ly-module.cc   |   46 +++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 scm/clip-region.scm |   66 ++++++++++++++-------------------------------------
 scm/lily.scm        |   45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 scm/output-lib.scm  |   50 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 141 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lily/ly-module.cc b/lily/ly-module.cc
index 42ff2f8..ff365b8 100644
--- a/lily/ly-module.cc
+++ b/lily/ly-module.cc
@@ -24,25 +24,34 @@
 #include "protected-scm.hh"
 ly_make_module (bool safe)
   SCM mod = SCM_EOL;
   if (!safe)
-      SCM maker = ly_lily_module_constant ("make-module");
-      SCM scm_module = ly_lily_module_constant ("the-scm-module");
+      /* Look up (evaluate) Scheme make-module function and call it */
+      SCM maker = ly_lily_module_constant("make-module");
       mod = scm_call_0 (maker);
-      scm_module_define (mod, ly_symbol2scm ("%module-public-interface"),
-			 mod);
+      /* Look up and call Guile module-export-all! or Lilypond-defined
+         compatible version when using Guile V1.8 */
+      SCM module_export_all_x = ly_lily_module_constant ("module-export-all!");
+      scm_call_1 (module_export_all_x, mod);
+      /* Evaluate Guile module "the-root-module",
+         and ensure we inherit definitions from it and the "lily" module
+         N.B. this used to be "the-scm-module" and is deprecated in
+         Guile V1.9/2.0
+         */
+      SCM scm_module = ly_lily_module_constant ("the-root-module"); 
       ly_use_module (mod, scm_module);
       ly_use_module (mod, global_lily_module);
+      /* Evaluate and call make-safe-lilypond-module */
       SCM proc = ly_lily_module_constant ("make-safe-lilypond-module");
       mod = scm_call_0 (proc);
@@ -54,19 +63,30 @@ ly_make_module (bool safe)
 ly_use_module (SCM mod, SCM used)
-  SCM expr
-    = scm_list_3 (ly_symbol2scm ("module-use!"),
-		  mod,
-		  scm_list_2 (ly_symbol2scm ("module-public-interface"),
-			      used));
+  SCM expr = SCM_EOL;
+  /*
+    Pick up the module's interface definition.
+    TODO - Replace inline evaluations (interpreted)
+    with guile API calls if these become available.
+  */
+  SCM scm_module_use = ly_symbol2scm ("module-use!");
+  SCM scm_module_public_interface = ly_symbol2scm ("module-public-interface");
+  SCM iface = scm_list_2 (scm_module_public_interface, used);
+  /*
+    Set up to interpret
+    '(module_use! <mod> (module-public-interface <used>) )'
+  */
+  expr = scm_list_3 (scm_module_use, mod, iface);
+  /*
+    Now return SCM value, this is the result of interpreting
+    '(eval (module_use! <mod> (module-public-interface <used>)) "lily")'
+  */
   return scm_eval (expr, global_lily_module);
 ly_module_symbols (SCM mod)
diff --git a/scm/clip-region.scm b/scm/clip-region.scm
index 14f593a..1c0a640 100644
--- a/scm/clip-region.scm
+++ b/scm/clip-region.scm
@@ -19,55 +19,25 @@
 (use-modules (lily))
+;; The procedures shown in this list have been moved to
+;; scm/output-lib.scm
+;; 	(define-public (make-rhythmic-location bar-num num den)
+;: 	(define-public (rhythmic-location? a)
+;; 	(define-public (make-graceless-rhythmic-location loc)
+;; 	(define-public rhythmic-location-measure-position cdr)
+;; 	(define-public rhythmic-location-bar-number car)
+;; 	(define-public (rhythmic-location<? a b)
+;:	(define-public (rhythmic-location<=? a b)
+;:	(define-public (rhythmic-location>=? a b)
+;;	(define-public (rhythmic-location>? a b)
+;:	(define-public (rhythmic-location=? a b)
+;;	(define-public (rhythmic-location->file-string a)
+;;	(define-public (rhythmic-location->string a)
-(define-public (make-rhythmic-location bar-num num den)
-  (cons
-   bar-num (ly:make-moment num den)))
-(define-public (rhythmic-location? a)
-  (and (pair? a)
-       (integer? (car a))
-       (ly:moment? (cdr a))))
-(define-public (make-graceless-rhythmic-location loc)
-  (make-rhythmic-location
-   (car loc)
-   (ly:moment-main-numerator (rhythmic-location-measure-position loc))
-   (ly:moment-main-denominator (rhythmic-location-measure-position loc))))
-(define-public rhythmic-location-measure-position cdr)
-(define-public rhythmic-location-bar-number car)
-(define-public (rhythmic-location<? a b)
-  (cond
-   ((< (car a) (car b)) #t)
-   ((> (car a) (car b)) #f)
-   (else
-    (ly:moment<? (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
-(define-public (rhythmic-location<=? a b)
-  (not (rhythmic-location<? b a)))
-(define-public (rhythmic-location>=? a b)
-  (rhythmic-location<? a b))
-(define-public (rhythmic-location>? a b)
-  (rhythmic-location<? b a))
-(define-public (rhythmic-location=? a b)
-  (and (rhythmic-location<=? a b)
-       (rhythmic-location<=? b a)))
-(define-public (rhythmic-location->file-string a)
-  (ly:format "~a.~a.~a"
-	  (car a)
-	  (ly:moment-main-numerator (cdr a))
-	  (ly:moment-main-denominator (cdr a))))
-(define-public (rhythmic-location->string a)
-  (ly:format "bar ~a ~a"
-	  (car a)
-	  (ly:moment->string  (cdr a))))
 ;;  Actual clipping logic.
diff --git a/scm/lily.scm b/scm/lily.scm
index 4a00ab6..e049aa3 100644
--- a/scm/lily.scm
+++ b/scm/lily.scm
@@ -196,6 +196,10 @@ messages into errors.")
 					;(set-debug-cell-accesses! 1000)
+;;; Boolean thunk - are we integrating Guile V2.0 or higher with Lilypond?
+(define-public (guile-v2 )
+  (string>? (version) "1.9.10"))
 (use-modules (ice-9 regex)
               (ice-9 safe)
               (ice-9 format)
@@ -209,6 +213,22 @@ messages into errors.")
               (scm memory-trace)
               (scm coverage))
+(define-public _ gettext)
+;;; Modules and scheme files loaded by lily.scm use currying
+;;  in Guile V2 this needs a module which is not present in Guile V1.8
+;; TODO add in modules for V1.8,7 deprecated in V2.0 and integrated
+;; into Guile base code, like (ice-9 syncase).
+  ((or guile-v2)
+   (if (ly:get-option 'verbose)
+       (ly:progress  (_ "Using (ice-9 curried-definitions) module\n"))
+   (use-modules (ice-9 curried-definitions))))
+  (else
+    (if (ly:get-option 'verbose)
+        (ly:progress  (_ "module (ice-9 curried-definitions) not in Guile 1.8\n")))))
 (define-public fancy-format
@@ -250,6 +270,7 @@ messages into errors.")
 (if (ly:get-option 'trace-scheme-coverage)
 (define-public parser #f)
 (define music-string-to-path-backends
@@ -258,14 +279,13 @@ messages into errors.")
 (if (memq (ly:get-option 'backend) music-string-to-path-backends)
     (ly:set-option 'music-strings-to-paths #t))
-(define-public _ gettext)
 (define-public (ly:load x)
   (let* ((file-name (%search-load-path x)))
     (if (ly:get-option 'verbose)
 	(ly:progress "[~A" file-name))
     (if (not file-name)
-	(ly:error (_ "cannot find: ~A") x))
+        (ly:error(_"cannot find: ~A") x))
     (primitive-load file-name)
     (if (ly:get-option 'verbose)
 	(ly:progress "]\n"))))
@@ -299,7 +319,22 @@ messages into errors.")
 		 (eq? (string-ref file-name 2) #\/))))))
+;;; If necessary, emulate Guile V2 module_export_all! for Guile V1.8.n
+  ((not guile-v2)
+   (define (module-export-all! mod)
+     (define (fresh-interface!)
+       (let ((iface (make-module)))
+         (set-module-name! iface (module-name mod))
+         ;; for guile 2: (set-module-version! iface (module-version mod))
+         (set-module-kind! iface 'interface)
+         (set-module-public-interface! mod iface)
+         iface))
+     (let ((iface (or (module-public-interface mod)
+                      (fresh-interface!))))
+       (set-module-obarray! iface (module-obarray mod))))))
 (define (type-check-list location signature arguments)
   "Typecheck a list of arguments against a list of type predicates.
 Print a message at LOCATION if any predicate failed."
@@ -671,8 +706,8 @@ PIDs or the number of the process."
     "Exit function for lilypond"
     (if (not silently)
 	(case status
-	    ((0) (ly:success "Compilation successfully completed"))
-	    ((1) (ly:warning "Compilation completed with warnings or errors"))
+	    ((0) (ly:success (_ "Compilation successfully completed")))
+	    ((1) (ly:warning (_ "Compilation completed with warnings or errors")))
 	    (else (ly:message "")))
     (exit status)
@@ -808,7 +843,7 @@ PIDs or the number of the process."
-    ;; we want the failed-files notice in the aggregrate logfile.
+    ;; we want the failed-files noticed in the aggregrate logfile.
     (if ping-log
 	(format ping-log "Failed files: ~a\n" failed))
     (if (ly:get-option 'dump-profile)
diff --git a/scm/output-lib.scm b/scm/output-lib.scm
index 409e8c1..f9dbbf4 100644
--- a/scm/output-lib.scm
+++ b/scm/output-lib.scm
@@ -173,6 +173,56 @@ and duration-log @var{log}."
      radius X)))
+;; clipping 
+(define-public (make-rhythmic-location bar-num num den)
+  (cons
+   bar-num (ly:make-moment num den)))
+(define-public (rhythmic-location? a)
+  (and (pair? a)
+       (integer? (car a))
+       (ly:moment? (cdr a))))
+(define-public (make-graceless-rhythmic-location loc)
+  (make-rhythmic-location
+   (car loc)
+   (ly:moment-main-numerator (rhythmic-location-measure-position loc))
+   (ly:moment-main-denominator (rhythmic-location-measure-position loc))))
+(define-public rhythmic-location-measure-position cdr)
+(define-public rhythmic-location-bar-number car)
+(define-public (rhythmic-location<? a b)
+  (cond
+   ((< (car a) (car b)) #t)
+   ((> (car a) (car b)) #f)
+   (else
+    (ly:moment<? (cdr a) (cdr b)))))
+(define-public (rhythmic-location<=? a b)
+  (not (rhythmic-location<? b a)))
+(define-public (rhythmic-location>=? a b)
+  (rhythmic-location<? a b))
+(define-public (rhythmic-location>? a b)
+  (rhythmic-location<? b a))
+(define-public (rhythmic-location=? a b)
+  (and (rhythmic-location<=? a b)
+       (rhythmic-location<=? b a)))
+(define-public (rhythmic-location->file-string a)
+  (ly:format "~a.~a.~a"
+	  (car a)
+	  (ly:moment-main-numerator (cdr a))
+	  (ly:moment-main-denominator (cdr a))))
+(define-public (rhythmic-location->string a)
+  (ly:format "bar ~a ~a"
+	  (car a)
+	  (ly:moment->string  (cdr a))))
 ;; break visibility


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