Re: [frogs] Music expressions and iterators (was: bend implementation)

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On 6 February 2010 08:17, Marc Hohl <marc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I have looked at scm/define-music-types.scm where all music expressions are
> defined.
> As I see it now, a StringBendMusic music expression should be much like the
> SequentialMusic music expression which an additional 'referencePitch that
> holds
> the reference pitch which the engraver uses to get the information of how
> the current
> note is bent relative to this value.

I think you should forget about all this for the time being; if your
current focus is on getting bends between ordinary noteheads working,
for simplicity's sake you should copy the existing style by using a
single stream event between notes (this surely makes sense if the
bends always span adjacent noteheads).  Even if you decide later to go
with a more complicated construct using a music function, it would be
easy enough to send a series of string-bend-events between NoteEvents
while dealing with the more complex issue of tablature bends.


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