Re: [frogs] CG Feedback

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>----Original Message----
>From: c_sorensen@xxxxxxx
>Date: 17/01/2010 1:19 
>To: "pounderd@xxxxxxxxxxx"<pounderd@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "frogs@xxxxxxxxxxx"
<frogs@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "lilypond-devel"<lilypond-devel@xxxxxxx>
>Subj: Re: [frogs] CG Feedback
>I think that ./ will automatically run configure, so that 
it's not
>necessary to run ./configure after you do ./
>If somebody else corrects me on this, I'll make the change to the CG.

I'm sure you're right - my problem was that the generic instructions 
for building were different from the instructions for building on a 
virtual machine and I couldn't understand why. It wasn't a major 
problem though.

>Thanks to all who have helped put it together!


- David

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