Re: [frogs] bend implementation

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Carl Sorensen schrieb:

On 1/20/10 3:29 AM, "Marc Hohl" <marc@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Carl Sorensen schrieb:

If you can ask some more specific questions, maybe we can get answers.
Oh, here's a (probably) silly one:

By looking at or,
I don't see where the line is drawn. Where do I find these routines
that create the appropriate stencil?

Not silly at all.  This is a perfect engraver to get at the core confusing
LilyPond functionality.  The most confusing part is the seemingly immaculate
conversion from event to stencil (which happens by way of the grob).

Here is the line that creates the grob:
 line_ = make_spanner ("VoiceFollower", head_->self_scm ());

This creates a VoiceFollower grob.

>From the internals reference, we see that the VoiceFollower grob has the
default stencil ly:line-spanner::print.  So the code that actually creates
the line is in ly:line-spanner::print.
Ah, ok. I read tuplet-*.cc  where there are tons of stencil trickery,
and in, there's none.
As I have to draw sloping lines for the pointed slurs,  I thought that
the glissando offers some insight.
You might have a BendIndicator grob, which will have its own stencil
Ok. I think it would not be a waste of time to sketch some kind of roadmap,
so your (and others') suggestions don't get lost.




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