Re: [frogs] ready to (re)start

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On 1/27/10 12:52 PM, "Kieren MacMillan" <kieren_macmillan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

> Hi all,
> I wiped my whole directory, re-git-ed, re-wished, and re-"make all"-d.
> 17 minutes, no [obvious] errors.


> How can I confirm success?

You have achieved success in building the binary.  What you need to check
next depends on what you want to do with the self-compiled binary.

If you want to make sure you have doc-build capability, then you should do

make -j3 CPU_COUNT=3 doc

This may take about an hour.

If you want to make sure you can compile all of the regression tests, then
you should do

make test-baseline

I've never sat to see how long this takes, but it's quite a while (although
I think not as long as making the docs).

Otherwise, you can try compiling one of your existing scores and verify that
it compiles; if it does, you're good to go.



P.S.  I truly sympathize with your "@#/%$&*@ing MAO".  I spent a whole day
trying to fix my LilyPond installation after it got messed up, probably
because of an Apple update to Python.  It was totally frustrating.  But most
of the time it works well, so I've mostly forgotten the pain.

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