Re: [frogs] Changing subproperties with grob-set-property (working on bug #40)

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Neil Puttock schrieb:
2009/11/3 Marc Hohl <marc@xxxxxxxxxx>:

I just copied this part from the definition of ly:grob-set-property!
and pasted it (as I never stop to mention: this is all very unfamiliar to
so it just looked ok).

I hope you're compiling between changes though, otherwise you won't
know whether it's working.
To be honest: I didn't until now, mainly because I had to work on the new
website for my college of music where I work, and I did some stuff for

But now I did, and it works instantly. Wow. Should this go into a patch?

Now I can come back to my earlier problem (the right end of the glissando line)
and use ly:grob-set-nested-property! as an intermediate workaround
for the glissando. If this works (and it does with a fixed value for X),
then I'll proceed with changing (or at least trying to change)
But for the latter, I'll go and fetch me some book for learning c++.

Thanks for your support!



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